12-year-old boy commits suicide after grandmother complained of missing money

12-year-old boy identified as Derrick Mukisa was found hanging on a rope in his bedroom after his grandmother complained of missing money, reports say.

The body of the Primary Two pupil was found by his uncle who said that he returned from work and found the body hanging on a rope.

He immediately notified their landlord, who, in turn,called the police.

Doreen Namusisi, the grandmother to the deceased Ugandan boy, narrated, “Mukisa returned home from school on Wednesday to have lunch and on his way back to school, I found out that my money 70,000 Ugandan shillings was missing.”

She further revealed that she went to the school to inquire whether it was her grandson who had taken the money, and he (deceased) admitted to have kept the money under the pillow.

“I returned and surely found the money under the pillow, then proceeded to the landing site in Kigungu where I normally work.”

Although the reason why the 12-year-old took his life is still unknown, some close neighbours who begged for anonymity said the father to the deceased poisoned himself when his wife Joyce Apai was two moths pregnant.


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