Kogi Assembly promises collaboration with NKFI, as speaker pledges scholarship for constituents

The Speaker, Kogi state House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Aliu Umar Yusuf has promised that the State House of Assembly under his leadership will collaborate with the Nigeria-Korea Friendship Institute, Lokoja to help empower young persons and promote technical and vocational learning in the state.

The speaker who made commitment to sponsor an undisclosed number of his constituents on scholarship to the institute owing to the shocking discovery of the institute’s potential, also inaundated that the House of Assembly would pay a scheduled visit to the institute for on the spot assessment.

He made this pledge during 2023 Kogi Trade fare, organised by Kogi Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (KOCCIMA) in patnership with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and other supporting bodies. The Speaker inspected the exhibition spot of the Nigeria-Korea Friendship Institute and was taken through some of the displayed machinery made by Students of the institute.

The Speaker who was accompanied to the event by, the Kogi State Assembly Majority Leader, Hon. Suleiman Abdulrasaq, the Honourable members representing, Ajaokuta and Okehi State Constituencies said with such an academic institute like the Nigeria Korea friendship Institute in the state, young people can be trained to become self reliant, highly employable and given the needed opportunity to become employers of labour.

He hinted that not every young person will be interested in going through the formal education and institutes like NKFI will provide the needed opportunity for those class of students.

The Rector who took his time to explain the functions of the machineries displayed by the institute said that the Nigeria-Korea Friendship institute has the capacity to solve the rising unemployment challenge of Nigeria.

He added that NKFI holds a track record of nurturing young talents who can become gainfully employable in several manufacturing companies and industries while also help in meeting the vocational and technical manpower need of the nation in several ways.

The Rector who thanked the speaker of the House of Assembly for his kind words, pledges and good gestures towards the institution hinted that NKFI remained well positioned to engender profitable partnership with the government’s legislative arm, pointing out that the institute can do much more when given the needed support by respective agencies of government and well meaning individuals.


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