Gunmen kill four policemen, three naval ratings in Anambra, Kaduna

The attack on security personnel continued apace on Thursday.

In Anambra State three policemen and three naval officials were gunned down.

The policemen were reportedly shot at Neni Junction in Anaocha council area of the state, their patrol van burnt, while their guns were taken away by the gunmen.

The three navy men were killed in Awkuzu in Oyi council area, it was said.

The Neni attack took place at 3.56pm, while the killing of the navy men happened about 4.20pm, a source said.

Freshly deployed police spokesman Ikenga Tochukwu confirmed the report, adding that the gunmen were over 20 and came in three Sienna vehicles and on motorcycles.

A senior police officer also confirmed the attacks, saying the hoodlums would not go unpunished, though neither he nor Tochukwu could ascertain the number of security men killed in the attacks.

A source blamed members of the Eastern Security Network (ESN) for the assault.

Police commissioner Monday Kuryas visited the attack scene, and ordered an investigation, Tochukwu said.

In Kaduna, bandits invaded Ungwa Waziri, a community in Chikun local government area of the state.

They killed a police inspector and abducted three persons, two of whom probably female students of Kaduna State University (KASU).

An eyewitness identified the inspector as John Bello.

“Around 11pm on Wednesday, we received a distress call that gunmen came to our community, a message was passed across to us that we should put off our generators which we did. Shortly after, we started hearing gunshots,” he said.

Inspector Bello was killed when he stepped out of the house upon receiving a phone call. He was shot near his house by gunmen under some mango trees, a family member said.

Parents and students of Federal College of Forestry Mechanisation, Afaka Kaduna on Thursday staged a peaceful protest over what they described as failure of government to rescue the 39 students of the college abducted by bandits after one week.

The students of the college and parents of the abducted students gathered at the school premises around 11:30am to appeal to the authorities to rescue their children.

According to the parents, since the incidents occured a week ago, they have not heard from the state government and the school authorities about the effort being made to rescue the students.

The protesting students and parents displayed placards with various inscriptions such as ‘Free Afaka 39 students” End Kidnapping’ “FCFM students say no to kidnapping” Bring back our boys and girls” among others as they walked on the new Mando Road linking the college and Rigasa train station.

One of the parents Mr. Sunday Musa said they were tired of the waiting game, stressing, “We don’t know the condition of our children or what they are eating in the bush, so we are staging this protest for government to help rescue them”.


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