Open Letter to PMB: Why North Central and Youth Should Produce Next Nigerian President – NCCL

Dear President Muhammadu Buhari, let me start by wishing you a happy New Year. It is my prayers that Nigeria would witness growth, prosperity and be a more secure country this year. This letter is necessitated by your live broadcast yesterday on Channels TV on who will take over from you when you leave next year- 2023. It is imperative that we intimate you of some imbalances in the spread of the Presidency among the geo-political zones in democratic dispensations and in the age demography. 

Democracy is about Equity, Fairness and Justice. A critical Consideration of the spread of the office of the President and Vice President since 1999 on the map 1 below.
Map 1
This show a great imbalance between North and South Presidency and therefore, it is only fair that the North Central region is given a chance at the presidency come 2023.
For Equity, Fairness and Justice the most qualified zone within the North region to produce the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should be North Central. This is premised on the fact that it has never produced either the President or Vice President since the return of democracy in 1999.
While we advocate for a North Central democratically elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, we also a youthful and vibrant leader inline with the 21st century leadership trend world over.
As a man who supported the “Not too young to run bill” , we believe you had no doubt, a Youth Presidency and leadership is what Nigeria need the most at the moment as highlighted by map 2 below.
Map 2
Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State by providence happens to meet the above requirement being a youth and the most competent, with requisite leadership experiences, having served as Governor for two terms and also being a strong party man, whose opinion is held in high esteem and who always delivers for the party, the All Progressive Congress.
The Governor’s credential is marketable, highest of which is security and national integration abilities which he has demonstrated in his current assignment.
This is our truth which has been laid before you sir and the public to ponder upon.
You be the Judge!
Williams Charles Oluwatoyin is the DG North Central Coalition For Leadership (NCCL)


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