Unity of Purpose as a Propelling factor towards the development of Yagba West LGA

Going through the memory lane,it is crucial to note that as strategically located the Yagba West LGA is,there has been the prevalence of some hindrances with regards to her advancement interm of the social,political and economic development of the area.
In view of the above background,there is this belief by the amiable people of Yagba West LGA that the major components that makes up the Local Government Area are not compatible.

With due respect to every Yagba descendant and settlers,I think this is where we have all gotten it wrong.There is this popular saying that the teeth and tongue do have issues yet they settle whatever disagreement that exist between them amicably.
As a matter of fact,the concept of ‘UNITY’ can no longer be trashed in the bin as it will help promote our area and people to its rightful place/status.
Unity is strength…When there is teamwork and collaboration wonderful things can be achieved.There is more power in Unity than division,no wonder even the weak become strong when they are united.Where there is unity there is always victory.
The so called Town & Area Council dichotomy that tends to divide us in most areas of our existence ought to be properly managed,even with the present existence of the political arrangement it should not deprive us from achieving the dividends of democracy. This will bring me to a point of sourcing for a bridge bridger.
A Bridge bridger is that individual that can read between the lines of the town and area council political differences or grievances. He/She must be very sound in mind who would do well by listening to the opinions and advice of the people not allowing pre-set myopic standards to be his or her guide towards making judgements but rather would give room for equity.

The person is must also be a visioner,pragmatic,possess an assertive voice and also trustworthy.
At this Juncture,if an individual with these great attributes is given the opportunity to represent the people of our dear Local Government Area,then social,economic and political orientation of our people will change positively.This will make an Egbe man or woman to see his/her fellow brothers and sisters from other neighbouring communities like Odo-Ere,Eri,Ejiba,Iyamerin, Igbaruku,Odo-Ara,Ogbe,Okoloke/ Isanlu ESA among others as one indivisible LGA and vice versa.
Finally,let us all shine our eyes well as 2019 general election is approaching beyond petty politics but rather we should focus on electing accountable,credible, incorruptible and visionary leaders in order to enjoy good governance as a people. Good governance is treating development as a mass movement in order to see that fruits of development reach the poor and down trodden.
Let us join our hands together to support the vision of unity that will propel absolute growth and development for our generation and generations unborn.

Hon. Dada Olusheyi
Aspirant(2019)- Kogi State House of Assembly(Yagba West Constituency).


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