Reactions, Statements From World Leaders To Donald Trump. President Buhari Inclusive

Canadian PM pays tribute to ‘close ally’ US

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has released a statement:

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to congratulate Donald J. Trump on his election as the next President of the United States, Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States. We look forward to working very closely with President-elect Trump, his administration, and with the United States Congress in the years ahead, including on issues such as trade, investment, and international peace and security. The relationship between our two countries serves as a model for the world. Our shared values, deep cultural ties, and strong integrated economies will continue to provide the basis for advancing our strong and prosperous partnership.”


Pope tweets plea for “fraternal cooperation

The Catholic Church’s highest-ranking diplomat wished U.S. President-elect Donald Trump well on Wednesday, saying he would pray for the new incumbent to be “enlightened”.
“We wish the new president well, that he may have a truly fruitful government,” Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin told the papal state’s radio station.
“We pledge to pray that God enlightens him and supports him in the service of his country of course, but also in the service of wellbeing and peace in the world. I think today everyone needs to work to change the global situation, which is one of deep laceration and serious conflict.”
Earlier this year, Pope Francis suggested Donald Trump was “not Christian” because of his stance on immigration.
Today the Pope tweeted: “May we make God’s merciful love ever more evident in our world through dialogue, mutual acceptance and fraternal cooperation.”


Netanyahu congratulates ‘true friend of Israel’ Trump

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Mr Trump a “true friend of the State of Israel”.
Mr Netanyahu said he believes the two leaders “will continue to strengthen the unique alliance between our two countries and bring it to ever greater heights”.
Earlier, a key ally in Mr Netanyahu’s centre-right coalition, education minister Naftali Bennett, said Mr Tump’s victory means that “the era of a Palestinian state is over”. The Palestinians want a state in lands Israel captured in 1967.
Mr Netanyahu has said he is willing to negotiate a border deal, but has retracted offers made by his predecessors while pressing ahead with Jewish settlement expansion on war-won land.


Egypt claims its President was first to speak to Trump

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi was the first world leader to call to congratulate Donald Trump on his election victory – according to his own office.
Sisi, who held a friendly meeting with Trump during a visit to New York in September, said he hoped the business magnate’s election would breathe new life into U.S.-Egyptian ties.
“The U.S. President-elect Donald Trump expressed his utmost appreciation to the president, pointing out that his was the first international call he had received to congratulate him on winning the election,” a presidency statement said.
Despite Trump’s threat to ban Muslims from entering the US many Egyptians welcomed his victory, Reuters reported.

One, 56-year-old accountant Hani Nasr, told the news agency: “We, in Egypt, love Trump not Hillary because she is an enemy of the Middle East and we were scared of her presence. Trump’s relationship with us is nice and we had hoped for him to win.”

Egyptian President Sisi (right)

Iraq’s government responds

The Iraqi government said relations with the United States have a “solid base” and this is not expected to change after Mr Trump’s election as president.

Government spokesman Saad al-Hadithi, told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Iraq is keen to develop its relations with the US and “boost cooperation in the fight against terrorism”.

He noted the leading US role in the current battle to push back Islamic State extremists in Iraq’s north. Last month, a US-led military coalition launched an operation to retake Iraq’s second largest city, Mosul, from Islamic State extremists.


Merkel urges Trump to “respect the law and the dignity of man”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has called on Trump to unite in partnership around tolerant values.

“Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom, and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or political views,” she said in Berlin.

“I offer the next president of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values. “The partnership with the United States is and remains a foundation of German foreign policy.”


Iran wants Trump to stick to nuclear deal

US President-elect Donald Trump should stay committed to the international nuclear deal with Iran, Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has been quoted as saying by Tasnim news agency.
“The United States should fulfil its commitments in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (the nuclear deal) as a multilateral international agreement,” Zarif was quoted as saying while on a visit to Romania.


Turkey’s Erdogan hopes this will benefit Middle East

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan says he hopes the US election victory of Donald Trump would lead to positive steps for the Middle East and for
basic rights and freedoms in the world.
“I hope that this choice of the American people will lead to beneficial steps being taken for the world concerning basic rights and freedoms, democracy and developments in our region.”
Erdogan was speaking in Istanbul.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has high hopes for Trump’s presidency

 Archbishop of Canterbury ‘praying for the US’

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said he will pray for the United States following the “bitter campaign” which saw Donald Trump win the presidency.

The archbishop said he hoped Trump would be given “wisdom, insight and grace” as he faces the challenges that come with being in the White House.

Welby said: “As president-elect Donald Trump prepares to take office, my continuing prayers are that the United States of America may find reconciliation after a bitter campaign, and that Trump may be given wisdom, insight and grace as he faces the tasks before him.

“Together we pray for all the people of the United States.”

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is concerned

Russian Parliament ‘bursts into applause’ after Trump’s victory

The Russian Parliament burst into applause after Donald Trump’s victory was confirmed, according to Russian news agency Interfax.

It reported the chairman of the parliamentary committee on education, Vyacheslav Nikonov, told MPs Clinton had congratulated her opponent on his victory.

He is reported to have said: “Colleagues, three minutes ago Hillary Clinton admitted defeat in the US presidential election.”

Earlier Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to Mr Trump, who Mrs Clinton had condemned as a Putin “puppet”.

In the telegram Putin said the dialogue between Moscow and Washington must serve the interest of both countries.

He also said he hopes to work on international issues with the President-elect.


Irish PM congratulates Trump; had called his comments “racist and dangerous”

Irish premier Enda Kenny has said he is confident relations between Ireland and the US will continue to prosper under Donald Trump’s leadership.

The Taoiseach vowed to work with the new administration in Washington “in the cause of international peace and security.”

“On behalf of the Government and the people of Ireland, I am pleased to offer our sincere congratulations to Donald J. Trump on his election as the 45th President of the United States,” he said.

“Ireland and the United States have enjoyed a very close and warm relationship for many generations and I am confident that under his leadership our bilateral relations will continue to prosper.”

Earlier this year, Kenny had described remarks by Trump during the presidential campaign as “racist and dangerous.”

In a statement following the US election result, Kenny praised defeated candidate Hillary Clinton for being “a friend to Ireland who fought such a tough campaign.”

Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny has not been a fan of Trump, but still offered the traditional congrats

Kremlin: Absurd to think Russia interfered in election

Suggestions Russia interfered in the US presidential election are absurd and a renewed dialogue is needed between Washington and Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said.

Russian Presidential Press-Secretary Dmitry Peskov

Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin currently had no plans to meet with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump or incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama.

He said Russia hoped that co-operation with United States on the Syria crisis would improve under the new US president.

Indian PM Narendra Modi tweets congrats for Trump

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Donald Trump in a series of tweets.

Modi tweeted that “we appreciate the friendship you have articulated toward India during your campaign.”

He added that “we look forward to working with you closely to take India-US bilateral ties to a new height.”

Trump had reached out to Indian-American voters at a rally in New Jersey in mid-October, praising Mr Modi and vowing to defeat terrorism while acknowledging that India had suffered terror strikes, including the deadly 2008 attacks that killed 164 people.



What Putin said to Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin has sent a congratulatory telegram to Donald Trump following his success in the US election.

Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in one of the most contentious elections in US history.

In a telegram to Trump, Putin said the dialogue between Moscow and Washington must serve the interest of both countries.

Putin also said he hopes to work on international issues with the President-elect.

President Barack Obama had frosty relationship with Putin, with America furious over Russia’s involvement in the Syrian conflict.

Russian President Vladimir Putin

President Buhari Congratulates Donald Trump

President Muhammadu Buhari has congratulated the President-Elect of the United States of America, Mr. Donald Trump on his victory at the polls. The president also congratulated US citizens on the outcome of the election.
In a statement by the presidential spokesman, Mr. Femi Adesina, president Buhari stated that he looked forward to working with Trump in many areas which included cooperation on many shared foreign policy priorities, such as the fight against terrorism, peace and security, economic growth, democracy and good governance.

“On behalf of the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari congratulates President-elect Donald Trump on his victory in the United States presidential election. “President Buhari also congratulates American citizens on the outcome of the election, which was keenly observed by all true lovers of democracy and those who believe in the will of the people. “The President looks forward to working together with President-elect Trump to strengthen the already established friendly relations between both countries, including cooperation on many shared foreign policy priorities, such as the fight against terrorism, peace and security, economic growth, democracy and good governance. “As Mr Trump prepares to assume the position of the President of the United States, President Buhari extends his good wishes to him on the onerous task of leading the world’s strongest economy”, the statement stated.

President Muhammadu Buhari


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