Opinion: Gov. Bello, The Master Key To A Padlocked Nation


By A.M Danjumah.

Competence, they say, should be the criteria for choosing a leader. It is the very right thing to do if truly the human nations, especially the black race of Africa, particularly Nigeria, truly want to record its deserving progress in the area of growth and development that matches the age it has recorded since independence.

Nigeria, our country, needs to be delivered of the pregnancy of tribalism, religiosity, bitter politicking, corruption, nepotism and unemployment that the country was impregnated with by the unruly approach to leadership of some of our past heroes who are supposed to lead us aright but were so focused on pursing selfish interest and diverted meaningful attention to superiority contest.

The present government of Muhammadu Buhari resumed with the intention of being a crusader of positive change to make the country an attractive home for its citizens to stay and also attract foreign investors to come-in and invest, thereby boosting the economy of the country, but despite all the beautiful ideas, only few were worked on to reality. Many were dead on arrival.

If Buhari was to be of a younger age compared to his age of the present, he would have been the best leader that ever emerged in Nigeria but those who are “canckerworm” in disguise parading themselves as saints in the country are unfortunately the cabals around the president and, are taking advantage of his old age to upturn all the good efforts and policies of the president which is the very reason the country is still in mess today.

For the love of wealth and dirty political calculations, those who are suppose to be the management of our securities turns out to be the flame inducers of insecurity in the country hiding under cover and still join the public to condemn what they know counciously they are the sponsors.

It’s not a lie that rumor is defined as “half truth, half-lie told”. In most cases, some indictments if truly investigated have elements of truth. No insurgence or bandit can survive in any country without betrayal, support of some insiders in same government for what ever reason best known to them. If you ask me, I will say that information and finance are the strongest weapon of the bandits not the arms they are carrying in itself. If no one is feeding them with secrete plans of the government, information about their target villages and same time supporting them with cash, they would not have been able to carry out any successful operation talk more of buying more and latest weapons.

Sentiments put aside, what Nigeria as a country need now is aggressive approach to curb all existing social problems and boost the economy to attract speedy progress. And, who Nigeria need now to have the rights put in place is a young, agile, dogged, intelligent and a problem solver as Yahaya Bello of Kogi State who has been tested and trusted via his leadership antecedents as majorly practicalized in his State(Kogi), convincingly showcased in various national assignment he was privileged to be appointed to handle and the decision he has made and the proactive measures put in place during time of national and world wide crises that even the world powers could not intelligently contain as Yahaya Bello did proactively in his state to prevent recording any casualty.

Yes, various interest groups and international organization are calling on him to save the country out of the crises that all the institutions are faced with currently, be it educational institution, security institution, economic institution, political institution, health institution, even marriage institution is not an exception considering the high rate of divorce that has become the order of the day. According to the strucural functionalists, which is very true, in as much as what affects one institution touches the other, all the institutions need to be adequately attended to by any government whose aim is to achieve for his country, an all-round success. The good people of Kogi state can boldly attest that in the time of this present government of Yahaya Bello, all the aforementioned institutions have gotten a commendable attention that has so far put the state at speedy pace of all-round development.

I want to join the progressives to appeal to Yahaya Bello to please listen to the yearning of the masses. There are several others but the country in pain has a collective resolve to have the young, able and capable as the next president and you stand out twice as tall in the assessment scale which makes you the fittest to be objectively invited to take the bold decision of accepting to contest as the president of the federal republic of Nigeria. Just say yes and leave the rest for Almighty Allah and the Nigerians who have invited you into the contest.

In conclusion, In as much as votes count and you are well known to be an embracer of free and fair election, the voting strength of the progressives amongst the masses will surely see you to victory. In you, Yahaya Bello, is the master key to to unlock our country Nigeria that has been padlocked of its due progress.

A.M Danjumah writes from Adavi Local Government Area of Kogi State, and also using this medium to give the public prior notice of his book dedicated to Yahaya Bello titled: The Political and Leadership Wonders of Adoza” which shall be unveiled soon. To be useful as history, political and academic material to people all over the world.


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