Minister Install Countdown Clock For The Reopening Of Abuja Airport

Nigerian Government has installed a countdown clock at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja, to reassure Nigerians and the international community that the airport, will indeed, reopen for operation after six weeks closure.
It will be recalled that the airport was closed on March 8, 2017, to pave way for rehabilitation of the 3.5 km runway with a six weeks completion target.
The work being handled by construction giant, Julius Beger is however, progressing as scheduled, making the Aorik 19 reopening date visible.
As at Tuesday night, the work has reached 75% completion with about two weeks to go.
Mr Hadi Sirika, Nigeria’s Minister of Aviation on Wednesday, said the installation of the countdown clock is aimed at reminding the contractor that the reopening date must be met.
Announcing the installation of the clock via his twitter handle @hadisirika, the Minister tweeted, “The countdown clock installed at the gate of Abuja airport to remind and pressure contractors to deliver in 6 weeks. Thanks for the support.
“Happy to announce we are at 75% completion of Abuja airport rehabilitation. Programme of work is running as outlined.”
On Wednesday, the clock displayed, “13 days: 13 hours: 24 minutes: 40 seconds” to the reopening of the airport.
While the rehabilitation is ongoing, Kaduna airport is being used but unfortunately, only one international airline, Ethiopian Airlines is making use of the airport.


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