Lokoja Local Government Administrator, Honourable Shiru Lawal, Setting The Pace For Others To Follow.

The Local Government Administrator, while handing over the equipment enjoined them to make judicious and maximum use of the machines, while he also used the opportunity to solicit for the support and cooperation for the Yahaya Bello led administration.

[dropcap]E[/dropcap]ffective leadership is not about making long speeches or being liked. Leadership is defined by results and not attributes. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way.

This character is clearly evidently displayed by the Lokoja Local Government Administrator, Honourable Shiru Lawal, who has been walking the talk and blazing the trail in recent times with performance.
Owing to the level impoverishment occasioned by the economic recession being experience around the country, the need to ease the pains, lift the burdens, take away the stress and give a sense of belongings to the people of Local Local Government Area became imperative for the Administrator, who single handedly undertook projects aimed at ameliorating the plight of the people in form of Youth empowerment and education sponsorship.

Today, the Lokoja local Government Administrator deemed it very important to empower youths along Kpata-Kabawa axis with car washing machines. The intent is to keep the youths away from social vices, bearing in mind that the idle hand is the devils workshop. This gesture is aimed at making the youth, self reliant.

The Local Government Administrator, while handing over the equipment enjoined them to make judicious and maximum use of the machines, while he also used the opportunity to solicit for the support and cooperation for the Yahaya Bello led administration.

Responding, the youth leader was full of thanks for the kind gesture of the Administrator and promised to keep supporting the Yahaya Bello led government

Sequel to the above is education. While speaking with our correspondent, the Administrator showed proofs of payments for over a hundred students of Lokoja extraction, writing the West African Senior School Certificate (WASSC) and NECO examinations respectively. This gesture has brought sigh of relief to many families in the Local Government Area who could not pay their wards examination fees.

Also, the Administrator organized a free summer holiday lesson for all children in Lokoja Local Government Area. The aims and objective of the programme is to get the students off the streets, from hawking, especially as they are on holidays and away from social vices that has beleaguered our society and destroyed a chunk our youths.

The free lesson programme was flagged off today officially but has commenced from the13th of April and will last till the 15 th of May, 2017. He enjoined parents to release their children to size this opportunity, as qualified teachers are on hand to tutor the students. The free Lesson centers are as follows:

  1. Bishop Delise College,
  2. Muslim Community Secondary School, Lokongoma,
  3. Luke’s Adankolo,
  4. Local Government Secondary School Kabawa,
  5. Felele Secondary School.

Resumption for the free lessons is 8 a.m daily, while writing materials were supplied to the teachers and students likewise to enhance effective teaching and learning.

The Administrator, while addressing the students reiterated that education is the only legacies that can be bequeathed on any child hence take advantage of this opportunity.

The students were overwhelmed by the visit and words of encouragement from the Administrator, they promise to give their best.



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