Kogi Primary School has one of the best ICT Centers in Nigeria – SUBEB boss

By Umar Ghadaffi Lokoja

St Mary Primary School Lokoja, could be considered as a normal public primary school found all around the state, without amenities and grappling with one problem or the other.

However, it has been discovered that, the school would pass for a high standard elementary school that could be found in some of the advanced countries in the world if its state of the art ICT equipment are functioning optimally, an official has said.

E-Reporter News correspondent, reported that the center boast of over 50 standalone workstations, a standard server and a conducive lab all in working conditions.

While speaking, the Executive chairman of the State Basic Universal Education Board(Kogi-SUBEB) Comrade Suleiman Abdullahi, who came along with the Board Permanent Member 1 Hon Yahaya Audu and others, said he was indeed very impressed that public properties can still be maintained this way and that a public school in this clime can compete with those in advanced clime.

While responding, the visibly elated head teacher, Mrs Ojimba Ethei could not hide her joy for the visit. She intimated the Chairman and members of his entourage few challenges that have hindered the the center from functioning optimally.

Subsequently, Comrade Abdullahi directed the headteacher Mrs Ojimba to forward what the school needs to set the ICT center up and running to his table.

He further promised to provide solar panels to power the center.

The ICT center when fully functional, can be used as training centers for both the public and private sector. It can also and at the same time used as CBT centers for exams such and the UTME, thereby generating revenue for the state government and increasing making pupils of the school ICT compliant.


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