Irukera Charges Nigerian Youth to be Different, Resourceful

By Williams Charles Oluwatoyin, Lokoja .
The Director General of the Consumer Protection council (CPC), has charged the Nigeria youth to unlock the boundaries in their hearts and be different from what was obtainable in the past. So that the potentials that exist within them can be explored and exploited for the growth and development of the country
Irukera was speaking to a group of youth recently, at a TEDx Ganaja programme in Lokoja, Kogi state, on the topic: Boundaries and Boundless and with the theme: Dare to Be Different.
The CPC Boss asserted that the growth and development of the country could only be possible if its youth eschew all vices for legitimate initiatives.
Bar. Irukera said, to talk about boundaries, Kogi state readily comes to mind. Bordered by ten other states, including the Federal Capital, Kogi state is the heart of the nation, with abundance human and natural resources. There is never a place in other parts of the world with such unique attributes, except Kogi, which makes it the best place to talk about boundaries Irukera said.
“The question we need to ask are, where are these boundaries and what do they do to us as a people? ” Irukera asked. Taking a critical look at the map of the world, the outer bounder lines around Nigeria and other countries are not so bold. However, the boundary lines within Nigeria, delineating the states, the region and the territories are bold. Those boundaries are bolder on our mind than they are on the map.
We must question the reasons why these boundaries within are bold? Irukera reiterated. The purpose of boundaries is to demarcate. However, an unintended purpose of boundaries is to constrict. As a country, are we therefore going to continue focusing on the boundaries? or will we choose to unlock the boundless energy that exist in the people? Our greatest resources are best exploited and yet unexplored.
Explaining further, Irukera said the boundaries that exist in our heart are with respect to ethnicity, race, religion, gender and the most difficult of all these boundaries is that called state of origin. What these do they do is to hold us back, cause us not to progress and hinder growth and development. The joy is we belong to a generation that can change these mentalities and ideologies.
There are state principles that are entrenched in our laws to promote synergy. Unfortunately, they has been corrupted and they now constitute boundaries. Examples are zoning, political office rotation, federal character, which are meant to create inclusion and everybody has a role, but in fairness, they are is now used for exclusion and used to promote what it was created to protect and because of these boundaries, our energies remained locked, potentials remained locked, synergy that we can get to make our country a better place remains untapped. Irukera said.
The question today is no matter how difficult or ambitious, would we rather remain in the circle of faith or would we take on the hard role of making change?
“The World is Flat” by Thomas L. Friedman sums it up thus, at the end of the day technology, entertainment and design makes the world flat. However, we are live within boundaries in our time and what do they do to us? On the inside they divide us, the thin outter boundaries outside exposes us to external influences and aggression, because the outer boundaries are thin and the inner ones are bold. The question is would you rather be different or would you rather focus on differences as a youth?
“I ask you what would you focus on.” The boundaries of the maps that are translated to our minds? Or the boundless energy and synergy that exist in our diversity. Remember that every principle set to promote inclusion that does otherwise, is against the people, Irukera said.
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