Fayose to Obasanjo: Your govt is the most corrupt in Nigeria’s history

Ayodele Fayose, governor of Ekiti state, says former President Olusegun Obasanjo presided over the most corrupt government in the history of Nigeria.

Accusing the elder statesman of “eating and sleeping” with corruption, Fayose said Obasanjo had no moral rights to accuse anyone of corruption.

He said this in a statement issued on his behalf by Lere Olayinka, his special assistant on public communications.

“Obasanjo that I know does not have morals rights to accuse anyone of corruption because he eats and sleeps with corruption,” he said.

“If anyone must accuse the church in Nigeria of promoting corruption, that person cannot be Obasanjo because he presided over the most corrupt government in the history of Nigeria.”

Speaking on at the 2017 convention lecture of Victory Life Bible Church International, Abeokuta, Ogun state, on Saturday, Obasanjo had accused church leaders of accepting gifts without questioning their sources.

He was represented by Femi Olajide, chaplain of Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library’s Christ the Glorious King Church.

But Fayose faulted Obasanjo’s position, describing him as the father of corruption in Nigeria.

“Where did Obasanjo get the stupendous wealth he is parading since he was a pauper before he became president?” Fayose asked.

“Where did he get the trillions of naira that he deployed to his failed third term bid? How can Obasanjo, under whose tenure Nigeria witnessed Halliburton scandal be sermonising about corruption? Who introduced politics of Ghana-must-go bags to the national assembly?

“Who was the president when sacks of money were displayed on the floor of the house of representatives, as bribe money given to some reps members to impeach the then speaker, Ghali N’abba?

“Under whose administration was the out-of-court settlement in the ‎controversial $1.09 billion Malabu oil block initiated in 2006?”

Fayose said it was during Obasanjo’s reign as president that governors were made to donate N10 million each to the building of his library.

“Isn’t compelling state governors to make donations to the personal project of a serving president part of corruption?” he asked.


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