Communiqué Issued At The End Of Ijumu PDP Meeting Held In Iyara On May 20, 2021

The meeting chaired by Alhaji S.O. Ibrahim, was attended by 114 members from the various wards in the Local Government.

Amongst other things:

1. The meeting conveyed the good will messages of the party leaders across Ijumu to the house, thanking all members for their consistency and courage exhibited during the last local government ‘selection’ called election.

2. The leadership of the party apologised for their inability to call for meeting since the local government electoral fraud of December last year.

3) The meeting appreciated the contestants in the ill-fated election, who came out against all odds, to demystify the evil administration of APC in this state.

4) The meeting encouraged all members, especially, the contestants in the last election, not to lose hope, as their labour will not go unrewarded.

5) The meeting hinted that, the happenings across the nation today, are eloquent testimonies against the ruling party at both state and federal level; adding that these happenings, equally serve as subtle campaign for PDP in future elections.

6) Party members were told to be on the lookout as the party will soon announce dates for the update of party’s membership register as well as voters registration, urging all to come out enmass for public mobilisation.

7) Members were advised to desist from intra-party media war, as internal bickerings will easily sell the party out to its foes.

8) The meeting urged all wards chairmen and their executives to be sincere and transparent to stakeholders in their respective wards, so as not to polarise the party based on discontentment.

9) The meeting inturn appreciated the party leaders and fathers, for their tiredless financial commitment to the party amidst all odds; adding that such great gesture is the encouragement that has kept the party strong and determined.


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