#CESSFSportify – Meet Joshua Adefemi Turton, the man behind CESSF

1.Can we meet you Sir? 

My name is Joshua Adefemi Turton from Ilesha in Osun state I am a social entrepreneur, accountant and advocate for social mobility

2. What got you interested into establishing an NGO and what is CESSF? 

I got interested in establishing an NGO because  I saw it as the means to champion my passion for youth’s personal development and self sufficiency.

Joshua Adefemi Turton

Citizens Education and skills support foundation is an organisation committed to closing the opportunity divide in society, where young talented people are being denied the access to employment, career and business opportunities in different sectors because they don’t have the connections or educational credentials or the financial support to aid their aspirations. CESSF aims to open doors for those motivated and talented youths that deserve a breakthrough into their choice careers

3. What was your background like growing up? 

I grew up outside the traditional family setting, raised by my grandmother in Ilesha and moved to Lagos at just before I was due to start secondary school. Not having a father or mother around meant I had to grow up quick, and I did. It will not be accurate if I told you I grew up in poverty, neither did I grow up in affluence I just got by; moving from one Aunty to uncle and back again.Because I never stayed in one place for too long, it was important for me to make friends wherever I found myself, my friends became like my family.

4. Your passion to motivate youths is obvious, where do you gather up the inspiration ?

My background and “family ” and the vibrant youths in dying need of a little window of opportunity to do great things.

5. Do you have a particular mentor?

I don’t have a particular mentor (wish I did) I have people through association, who inspire me with their ideology and mannerisms, I learn from them to develop my self and my ideals of the idle society where equity and justice is served

6. What is cessf sportify?

CESSF Sportify is a program designed to identify talent, support aspiring sports professionals and provide access to opportunities for them to increase their chances of competing at elite level.

 7. Can you explicitly tell us her aims and objective?

Support- We support our candidates holistic personal development to maximise their potentials

Education- Providing vocational skills and training to compliment traditional education to fill gaps in the education system and to enhance our human resources for global competitiveness, also diversity orientation and education on social contracts.

Advice/mentorship for candidates with volunteer industry professionals and corporate partners

Training-Enabling social mobility through training of unemployed youth, re-training the long-term unemployed and the millions of unemployable graduates roaming our streets despite available jobs and in business opportunities.

8. With respect to the talents available in Nigeria, where do you see cessf sportify in the next 5 years? 

To be the numero uno incubator for performance excellence in the sport sector

9. Looking at Nigeria’s performances in the Olympics, what do you think should be done? 

We really need to invest in sports, the talent are enormous but the opportunity to train athletes to international competition level is lacking. The authorities should see this sector as critical to youth and economic development if the government can work with various private sector and NGO programs in the area of sports development we will not only perform better but in more games breaking new boundaries.

10. CESSF sportify is focusing on football majorly, why?

Because football is the national sport and worth Trillions of dollars globally, why not tap into the market as a footballing nation. It will create a value chain of employment for our youths. Also, having the opportunity to work with the amazing “worldcup coach” and super eagles ex international is a major drive for focusing on football.

11. How can sportify improve Nigeria’s performance in the next Olympic? 

Sportify hopes to raise awareness and support for athletes early preparations at subsequent Olympic games and participation in more Olympic events.

12. What should sport lovers expect from this special event?

Sports lovers should expect to see the Olympic football team celebrated and efforts to raise up future athletes.

13. What role is the football governing body in Nigeria, NFF, playing with respect to this project?

The NFF is not involved with the project however, We are working on building a partnership with the governing body to assist us scale up the project and open the pool of opportunities to more talents.

14. What’s your opinion and advice to the youth?

Be resilient and resourceful, most importantly develop yourselves to maximise opportunities that are available to you.


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