Bello to Kogites: Let’s build on 2016 gains

Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello in his first New Year Message has acknowledged the sacrifices of the people of the state in the past year and also thanked them for their understanding as his administration tries to forge a new spirit in the state.

[dropcap]“T[/dropcap]his administration came on board at a particularly difficult time in the life of both state and nation, and it was clear to conscientious Kogites and genuinely concerned observers that the ride would be far from easy.

“But 11 months down the road, following my many interactions with the good people of Kogi, I am humbled by the warm reception accorded me time and again, especially by average Kogites who have been hardest hit by the state of affairs.”

Promising not to be disconnected from the people, Governor Bello appealed for continuous support and cooperation of Kogites in 2017, assuring that the gains of 2016 will be built upon, with the trickle down effect a lot more evident.

[perfectpullquote align=”left” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]“My passion for the unification of Kogites of all tribes and faiths and convictions is unwavering, because healthy unity makes progress and development that much easier. So, I appeal to us all to always foster the spirit of oneness and brotherhood going into the New Year.”[/perfectpullquote]

The Governor encouraged the people to live up to their civic obligations by being tax compliant and faithful with their remittances to government in the New Year, reminding them that their contributions will ultimately enhance the course of development in the State.

He also charged them to complement the efforts of the security apparatus in the State by being vigilant and security conscious at all times, and cooperating with the security agencies by volunteering useful and timely information to aid crime prevention and crime fighting.


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