Abiodun Faleke, in the eyes of history!




adly, our political colossus and respected authority in the Kogi state politics, the prince of the Niger and the lion of the Igalla kingdom is no more. As part of his electioneering campaign promises, the late Prince Abubakar Audu promised that his administration would be the one to shift power to other parts of the state. Unfortunately, this promise of his is being fulfilled but posthumously, may the soul of the departed, rest in peace. It is therefore imperative to respect the wishes of our own, the one whose name will remain indelible in the history of modern Kogi state, Late Prince Abubakar Audu, and support Hon. Abiodun Faleke and Mohammed Audu as his deputy.

The first fact is, Falake is a Kogite by birth and nothing can take that truth away, be him foreign or local. If the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria does not support Faleke coming back to his state to contest elections, having being in Lagos mainstream politics, then he would not have had the impudence and alacrity to come

 It is heart-wrecking to read many sentimental comments about the Okun people by some myopic and astigmatic minded individuals, calling the okuns names such as slaves and not sparing the torch bearer Hon Abiodun Faleke, who some call foreign governor using a whole lot of others very terrible vituperative words. The first fact is, Falake is a Kogite by birth and nothing can take that truth away, be him foreign or local. If the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria does not support Faleke coming back to his state to contest elections, having being in Lagos mainstream politics, then he would not have had the impudence and alacrity to come. It is to be noted that while every other contestants jettisoned and abandoned Late Prince Abubakar Audu and Abiodun faleke to their fate during electioneering campaigns, Abiodun Faleke assiduously and steadfastly, stuck to his boss and they both transversed the length and breath of Kogi state, canvassing for votes. The votes that have accrued to the APC as at today and tagged “inconclusive” is as a result of votes for Late Prince Audu and Falake from their strongholds, they cannot be separated!

In some quarters, insinuations have it that the death that befell our political sage was not normal or ordinary. As a Christian, I will rightly point out what my bible says, “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (Job 1:21) Nobody can kill except God, because He give and takes and nobody can ask Him why and how and we should therefore stop politicizing the death of Prince Abubakar Audu and accept it as an act of God. However, we can see that in death, even his perceived and alleged enemies showed love for him. If anyman knows about the death of this man that everybody loves so dearly, may the fire of God burn such a person.

Needless to say, I believe in one thing, destiny. If God has ordained Faleke to be governor of Kogi state, no human can stand in the front of a moving train, sentiment aside; let us give Faleke our support, he has worked tirelessly with late Prince Abubakar Audu, they believed in the same ideology called CHANGE. Let us give our support to him regardless of tribe and religion. If heaven is falling, it will fall on all not just Christians or Muslims, nor Igalla or Ebira, but on all. It is important therefore that while canvassing for support for our candidates, we should respect other peoples tribe and religion, God give grace to the humble, but the proud he recognizes from afar of! We should be careful not to err God by words of our mouth, actions or inaction and let the soul of our departed Prince Abubakar Audu, rest in peace!










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