Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu: Abayomi Bello On A Rescue Mission

By Adebowale Solomon

It is no more news that the need for the people of Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu Federal constituency to commence the search for a rescuer has began already knowing fully well that 2023 General Election is drawing closer at dawn of every new day.

It is therefore necessary for concerned persons; groups and individual within this Federal Constituency to help in revealing the results of the unsolicited researches they might have carried out about potential persons to Represent the Constituency at the Green Chamber.

As someone who is not a novice in the political terrain of this particular Federal Constituency where I hail from, I have come to convincingly make it clear that Mr Abayomi Bello is one who is fit and proper to go on this rescue mission for our people.

Abayomi Bello who is a very young man can arguably be described as one who sincerely understands the immediate needs and wants of our people in Kabba-Bunu Ijumu Federal Constituency.

He is a man that has over time remain with the corridor of generosity to the people; Old,young men, women, widows and orphans.

Abayomi unlike some Industrious persons who usually appear when the time for election is very close at hand with their questionable so-called empowerment packages, has maintained a fantastic and symbiotic level of relationship with people of Kabba-Bunu Ijumu Federal Constituency.

Abayomi has consistently remained on the path of linking ready to work youths to well paid job opportunities and this to a very large extent is helping to close the gap of unemployment amongst our vibrant workaholic Youths.

If we must as a people refuse to accept the constant excuses for inability to perform up to expectations by our elected House of Representatives Members, then we must be ready to make a bold choice which is nothing but aligning with people who understands the essence of being saddled with such responsibility as of Representative.

Abayomi Bello has as a young man proven himself beyond doubt to be one who is ready to journey for our sake what can be best described as a “Rescue Mission”.

This mission is to among many other things, free us from the excuses of not performing up to expectations as a Representative of our Federal Constituency and bringing us to the point of enjoying in full the dividends of good governance by attracting Infrastructural and human resources development for us.

The need to rally support for such a visionary young man becomes the responsibility of everyone who desires the best for our people. Hence, the call is for all and sundries within the ambit of our Federal Constituency to stay connected to this project of Abayomi Bello and avail for him the needed maximum support to be successful in this rescue mission his set to journey for us.


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