Politics Beyond Sentiment


Politics: some say is a do or die affair. Hon. Adewale Omofaiye has established this theory to be erroneous, by what transpired at the just concluded Ward Congress in Ijumu LGA (Ekinrin Adde to be precise). A quick recap: In 2015, the two major contenders: Hon. Olowo and Pastor Emmanuel Abadumi, both jostled for the seat of KSHA along with Hon. Omofaiye; all from the same ward in Ekinrin Adde. Omofaiye emerged first past the post.

But today, history was made at the just concluded ward congress. The three contestants for House of Assembly back in 2015, now united and are set to form a formidable force, to be reckoned with. Omofaiye been a rare breed, blessed with wisdom and calmness to carry everybody along, preached peace and unity. And as a true leader would, he demonstrated the need for unity, by kissing the palms of his former rivals. A politician that practiced what he preaches, right in front of his constituents. Truly, he is a rare breed.

These duos coming together as one, is a good development when it comes to Ijumu Politics. The Panthera Group loud this development and we are pleased to see this happen, at a very crucial time, which we are.

We therefore urged other political parties to emulate this good development and give peace a chance. The adage that says: united we stand and divided, we fall, is a watchword for Omofaiye. A single hand cannot clap, but together, we make a loud sound.


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