Berom Natives Behind The Attacks   Rocking Plateau State

By, Giwa Alex, JOS.

The Berom ethnic groups of plateau state has been accused of being the brain behind the sporadic attacks in plateau state.

A strong worded warning has been sent to the Beroms and their sponsors  to stop the killing of other ethnic Nationality or else they would be mobilised against for unleashing mayhem on the people.

Group, under the auspices of “Coalition Of Plateau Patriots” handed down the warning in a press conference held at the Elile Centre Hotel Rayfield in JOS plateau state.

The press statement signed by S.D Lot for on behalf of the patriots, and read by him, the coalition expressed worries by  these Youths  , their criminal cohort and their masters ,apart from blocking highway killing their perceived enemies, the way they conduct themselves leaved much to be desired.

They the statement further said the attacks and destruction of Government properties at the Government House Little Rayfield JOS on July 14th,2018,the attack on the convoy of the Governor Simon Bako lalong during his visit to Internally Displaced  Person’s(IDP)camp shows that the elements are up to something else.

They however condemned the attack on the Governor in strong terms ,and  pointed out  the involvement of strong people who are standing trial for money laundering. They are annoyed that they could not achieve their desperate political ambitions of jettison zoning arrangement.

The Coalition Of Plateau Patriots stressed that the attacks going on in the state started long before Governor Bako Lalong assumed office as the Governor of the state.

And further added that  during the last administration of Jonah David Jang, there was mass killings at Dogo Nahawa which the live of a serving Senator Datong was cut short and nobody attacked governor Jonah David Jang that time.

The group however warned  those they described as   enemies of the Government,and quick to remained them that the state is a collective heritage with no particular ethnic group cannot laid hold of it.

The Plateau Coalition Patriots who were represented from the 17 local government of the state, send strong warning to the Beroms that “Enough is Enough”, as plateau state cannot afford to witness another blood letting in the state.

They further added that  the seat for who becomes the Governor of plateau state is not monopolize neither  monetize as any  different ethnic group from the state can be elected to be a governor at different points in time.

They warned politician in the state to stop using the IDP camp to score cheap political points  in other to avoid the wrath of GOD.


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