Open Letter to Kabba-Bunu/Ijumu PDP Leaders, Delegates

Solidarity greetings from the secretariat of the National Coalition Kabba-bunu Ijumu youth and students movement, an umbrella body that advocates, protects and defends the interest of the entire youth within the federal Constituency with a population of over 1 million active members.

We write you this day in regards to the forth coming 2023 election. Election is not in anyway new to us all, but the question we must ask is what has always been the result after the elections? “Complains”from every area, it is in line with this that we the leadership and members of the above mentioned organisation sat in kabba to deliberate, examine and finally take a decision on who can bring the needed and positive change we all want and prayed for. In an over 4hrs meeting, we took our time to look into the profile and impact of each of the aspirant from all political parties before their interest in contesting; we discover we are blessed with good heads and mind in kabba-bunu/Ijumu. But above all Mr Abayomi Bello appeared to have shown more positive direction towards the real development we all wanted, some of which we will be sharing here:

1) He has the highest capital investment by far within the federal Constituency among them all. The mega multi million dollar Omoboja farm project, is a project that can employ over 100 Kabba-bunu Ijumu youth directly, either to its oil milling section, animal feed production or live stock farm, outside this direct employment, our farmers will again be the major source for raw materials which will in turn increase the income to farmers. Increasing our agro-economic activity through distribution and sales within our people. Let’s think of the volume of wealth this single project is bringing to us, let’s think of it this way again, a man with this type of capital investment within the federal Constituency will be interested in the electricity, security,road network of our community as it In turn helps his investments thrive, other than someone who has absolutely nothing to lose if all this are not available.

2) Under his sologic care intaitive he has really touched and impacted lives positively some which includes;

His annual craft learning, mentorship and entrepreneurship program,

His loan and start up capital initiative for youth interested in doing business with no capital.

His annual purchase of JAMB Forms for as many interested students within the federal Constituency with over 1000 beneficiaries and counting.

His scholarship programs for the less privileged and gifted.

His cash, food and free medical outreach programs.

His annual Okun unity cup competition which is aimed at discovering, celebrating and tapping young sport talents and uniting us together in respective of religion or parties differences.

As a man who has selflessly done this and more before elective office, we, from the above mentioned organisation believe he will definitely do more if given the opportunity. In view of this, we are calling on our fathers, mother’s, sisters and brothers to please forget about politics of highest bidder and look inward, toward capacity and someone with real love for his people.

Mr Abayomi Bello has proven he has it all.
We are calling on the delegates, leaders and elders of his party( PDP) to present him as their official flag bearer and we assure them of large scale victory in the general elections,as we continue to meet with 80 percent of the youth and students group, we are all set to tell him THANK YOU with our votes.

We cannot continue with the same system and expect a positive change, the time to act is now! Think about it

Kolawole Michael


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